Ligature kudakurage Symbols

by Kazuyuki Motoyama
Symbol Ligature Unicode
list list 
tile tile 
table table, cell 
copy copy, files 
cut cut, scissors 
backspace backspace 
alignleft alignleft 
aligncenter aligncenter 
alignright alignright 
alignadjust alignadjust 
italic italic 
bold bold 
underline underline 
strike strike 
emphasis emphasis 
code code 
link link, chain 
quote quote 
graph graph 
magic magic, effect 
brush brush 
color color, palette 
contrast contrast, adjust 
ink ink, water 
gradation gradation, grayscale 
sepia sepia, grunge 
invert invert 
paint paint 
paramater paramater, param, slider 
crop crop 
check check, ok 
checkbox checkbox 
checkboxempty checkboxempty 
pc pc, display, compiter 
keyboard keyboard 
mobile mobile, iphone, smartphone 
horizontal horizontal 
vertical vertical 
web web 
mail mail 
shopping shopping, cart 
dashboard dashboard 
key key 
sns sns, network 
calender calender 
dailycalender dailycalender 
ban ban 
remove remove, close 
pen pen, pencil, write 
eraser eraser 
edit edit, addnew 
tabs tabs 
tag tag 
setup setup, wrench, spanner 
setting setting, gear 
etc etc, ellipsis 
clip clip, attach 
bookmark bookmark 
book book 
album album 
user user, you, human, man 
friend friend, users 
group group 
frustrate frustrate 
laugh laugh 
wink wink 
smile smile 
surprise surprise 
trouble trouble 
game game 
globe globe, global, earth 
home home, house 
building building 
rss rss, feed 
app app, application 
memo memo 
meal meal, dish, lunch 
coffee coffee, cup 
present present, gift 
twinkle twinkle, spark, hot 
crown crown 
category category, drawer 
circle circle 
info info, information 
help help 
refreshbutton refreshbutton 
notify notify 
Symbol Ligature Unicode
file file 
print print 
delete delete, trash 
clear clear 
save save, stock 
upload upload 
cloud cloud 
folder folder 
camera camera 
photo photo, images 
image image, img 
barcode barcode 
phone phone, call 
music music 
video video 
playmedia playmedia 
record record, mic, microphone 
play play 
pause pause 
stop stop 
eject eject 
bell bell 
volumeup volumeup 
volumedown volumedown 
volume volume, volumeoff 
off off, power 
light light, brightness 
dark dark, darkness 
lock lock 
unlock unlock 
flag flag 
wifi wifi 
time time 
map map 
geo geo, aim 
location location, direction 
pin pin 
walking walking 
bicycle bicycle 
car car 
bus bus 
plane plane, airport 
compass compass 
arrowup arrowup 
arrowright arrowright 
arrowdown arrowdown 
arrowleft arrowleft 
up up 
right right 
down down 
left left 
back back 
next next 
dropdown dropdown 
sort sort 
good good, like 
bad bad, nogood 
full full 
small small 
move move 
undo undo 
forward forward 
reply reply 
share share 
login login, in 
logout logout, out 
exchange exchange 
shuffle shuffle, random 
repeat repeat, retweet 
refresh refresh, reload 
sync sync 
external external, newtab 
addstar addstar 
star star 
starempty starempty 
heart heart, love 
heartempty heartempty 
view view, eye 
comment comment, balloon 
comments comments, balloons 
plus plus, add 
minus minus 
zoomin zoomin, zoom 
zoomout zoomout 
search search 
menu menu 
tilemenu tilemenu 


Symbol Ligature Unicode
apple apple 
android android 
windows windows 
amazon amazon 
facebook facebook 
twitter twitter 
google google 
hatena hatena 
hatenabookmark hatenabookmark 
linkedin linkedin 
paperboy paperboy 
mixi mixi 
line line 
mobage mobage 
gree gree 
skype skype 
foursquare foursquare 
pinterest pinterest 
flickr flickr 
Symbol Ligature Unicode
tumblr tumblr 
evernote evernote 
github github 
yapcasialogomark yapcasialogomark 
dribbble dribbble 
cookpad cookpad 
instapaper instapaper 
readability readability 
gumroad gumroad 
picasa picasa 
instagram instagram 
delicious delicious 
youtube youtube 
chrome chrome 
safari safari 
sleipnir sleipnir, chess, knight 
firefox firefox 
opera opera 
internetexplorer internetexplorer, ie 


Please copy & paste this code to your HTML file or Stylesheet.


You can get Ligature Symbols for free. This Font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License for download and using.
Ligature Symbols has broad support for the modern browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, iOS - Mobile Safari, Android Browser).

Downloadver.2.07 - zip file : 260KB

How to make this font ?

Ligature Symbols is to display the symbol with a ligature features. I created this font by using FontForge (open source postscript font editor).
IF you want to learn more, you may read my blog entry.

About me

Kazuyuki Motoyama (kudakurage)

I have been working as a Web designer in Kyoto.
UI Design / App Design / Illustration / HTML5&CSS3 / Javascript / PHP